
Saturday, 17 March 2012

whoaaaa. Holidays ;)

aku malas lagi nak citer. nanti lain kali aku update lagi la. hahahaa, okey, bai :) nice holidays and welcome back to school!

Saturday, 17 December 2011

tankiyuuu boy, :)

**wink wink..
guys, hot news..
entah bile mase..
sye daa Berubah...
Disebbkan AWK!,boy!
dsbbkan awk..sye berubah Boy..Tankiyuuu.. *mmuahh :P
Starts from Now...
just STUDY..
guys, sye x tujukan pd spe2 pom post nih kk?
ia cume pendapat sye,
 bye, ! lebiuuuu*mmuuahh

Ya Allah,Kabulkanlah permintaan Hamba mu ini! Amin!

Excited nk tunggu result skolah premier.~^^guys, sye mmg debor gile arr, sbb ade terbace satu lmn web yg dye ckp boleh semak result untuk skolah premier pd 18.12.2011.. wow! sye hrp2 sgt dpt! Ya Allah, dengarkanlah doa hamba mu ini..kabulkanlaah permintaan ku untuk llulus dlm result premier itu Ya Allah,sesungguhnya,ENgaku yg Ku Sanjungi...Amin!

Friday, 16 December 2011

A Love Story

Dreaming of someone will say this to me:
boy:are you okay dear?
girl:I'm okay*while crying*
boy:*HUG THAT GIRL* while saying "I know you're not"

love story... :)

I Love you,baby :)

I never thought that DREAMS came TRUE...
But YOU show ME that they do </3

 Everyday I love you Baby, truly from my glowing <3

Romantic guy,~~'

 Yo, little miss, can I take a photo? ♥ ツ
I just wanted to show my children how their mom looked when she was younger. :)

# sweet If I can hear it from A Guy I loved...#asdfghjkl =='